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Hannah Lily Hall - So iLL

Hannah Lily Hall

In the afterglow of her new triumphant experience, she approached her new climbing partner’s group of friends and exclaimed, “Who want’s to take me climbing outdoors?!” Her now close friend, Nathan, agreed to the task. That weekend they trekked out to ‘The Pond,’ Nathan gave her a crash-course on leading, walked her through safe clipping, had her take a few practice falls and inadvertently (or maybe not) started a fire in Hannah. 

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Melanie Winsor - So iLL

Melanie Winsor

Before making it to the West Coast’s East Side, Mel was a trad junkie. She loved the long hauling, high exposure, multi pitch gear placing life. But now in the Great Basin, with Bishop as her back yard, and the addition of two ground loving furry companions, bouldering began luring her in. In a place where even the one-star problems deserve five-stars, how can you blame her?
The world class granite called to her and she swooned.

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Come To The Outside - So iLL

Come To The Outside

I’m a relatively new climber. I’ve only been getting out into this specific area to climb for the last 6 years. Even in that short span of time I’ve seen the buttermilks alone transformed from a modest destination with narrow trails, limited parking spaces, and probably few enough visitors daily that you could count on one hand, to present day, hosting a hot bed of climbers packed in like sardines waiting in lines to take a chance at the classics and even a “proper” restroom to boot.

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Rest Day Review – San Juan Islands - So iLL

Rest Day Review – San Juan Islands

Luckily, you don’t have to venture off the main path very far for a good time. San Juan offers just about every experience a naturalist, such as yourself, could want. It boasts two National Monuments, nature watching opportunities, like wild foxes hunting wild bunnies and breaching families of whales, lush fern-filled forests the PAC NW does so well, and of course, an A+ view of the surrounding sea.


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The Stack Up – Crash Pad Review - So iLL

The Stack Up – Crash Pad Review

The pro list most certainly robust, but in the spirit of full disclosure: super, super tiny climbers be aware, you may need to pop free the first row of stitches on the waist strap to be able to cinch the belt down über snug, but the sternum strap almost makes up for the need.

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It's official, is live.  Find out what takehold(LV) is all about - read about People that TAKEHOLD, ultimate Destinations, and Reviews of today's climbing gear.

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